Contact Us

Fill out the inquiry form below to contact Rocketry at Virginia Tech.

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Advanced Engineering Design Lab
501 Industrial Park Road
Blacksburg, VA 24060

Who can join Rocketry at Virginia Tech?

Rocketry at Virginia Tech is open to all Virginia Tech students of any major, any year, and both undergraduate and graduate levels. The team relies on a variety of engineering disciplines to be successful, including aerospace, mechanical, electrical, industrial, systems, computer, and materials science.

When and how do I join the team?

Rocketry at Virginia Tech recruits new members at the beginning of the fall semester. Keep an eye out for us at university involvement events like GobblerFest! Our application opens in late August and will be announced here on our website and all of our social media pages. If you miss our fall recruitment cycle, watch our social media pages! Sometimes the team will post listings for specific positions we need filled on the team.

What if I have no prior rocketry experience?

Some of our most successful members had no prior experience before joining! Rocketry at Virginia Tech is a learning experience as much as it is a competition team, and we provide our members with many opportunities to learn and obtain hands-on experience.

How do I get more information?

During our fall recruitment cycle we attend a variety of university events and host our own information sessions where you can learn more about our project and talk with Rocketry at Virginia Tech’s leadership team. If you are interested in seeing our lab space, visit the Aerospace Engineering Design Lab (AEDL) website to organize a tour of the space that hosts our team!